Rainbow moonstone jewellery
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Shimmering Rainbows Dancing in Stone

Moonstone is magical. There’s really no other way to describe it. The way it catches the light, and the shimmer of rainbows dancing in stone is truly mesmerising. I love finding moonstone jewellery and am always drawn to its magical energy, which makes it one of my favourite stones to wear.  Rainbow Moonstone is actually…

Eco-friendly silver cleaning
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Eco-Friendly Zero-Waste Silver Jewellery Care

A day doesn’t go by where I’m not wearing silver jewels (that probably doesn’t surprise you), but constant wear and exposure to the elements causes sterling silver to tarnish over time, and lose its beautiful shine and lustre. Tarnish is a darkening of the silver’s surface, caused by a reaction between the silver and sulphur…

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The Magic and Mystery of Silver

As one of the first 5 metals discovered and used by humans, and one of the 7 ‘metals of antiquity’, silver has always been a prized and special material. Silver’s chemical symbol AG has roots within many different languages ~ the Latin word for silver is argentum, and this originates from the ancient Sanskrit word argunas which means ‘shining’…

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Making A Sage Smudge Stick

I have a bit of an obsession with burning nice smelling things in my house – I have an embarrassingly huge selection of incenses and naturally scented candles (can you ever have too many?!), but one of my absolute favourite things to burn is sage. Sage has been used medicinally since ancient times, prized for…

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Fabric in Focus ~ Kilim ❊

Kilim has got to be one of my all time favourite textiles ~ my house is full of it! The combination of beautiful patterns and symbols, and warm earthy colours is a winner for me, and it’s the style that really started my love affair with all things woven.  Kilim has been produced since ancient…

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